Channels and Slots

ImageC distinguish between two types of pipeline elements: Channels and Slots. Both can be added in ImageC’s overview panel. ImageC is actually limited to a maximum of 10 channels and 6 slots.


In the course of an analysis, the channels are subjected to processing prior to the slots.

The processing order of channels and slots is defined as following:

  1. Reference Spot channels

  2. Spot, Nucleus, Cell and Background channels in parallel

  3. Voronoi slot channels

  4. Intersection slot channel


OME channel information at the right-hand side


A channel is invariably associated with a channel in an image in the range of 0 to 9. The OME metadata of an image provides information regarding the number of channels present within the image and the number of Z and potentially T stacks assigned to each channel.

In order to facilitate the configuration of the channel, the OME meta date, inclusive of the channel data, is displayed on the right-hand side of the overview panel.


A slot is defined as a kind of virtual channel. It is not a physical entity within an image; rather, it is generated based on the information contained in the image channels. Slots are identified by an index in the range of A to F.

In the actual release 1.0.0-alpha.105 of ImageC two types of slots are available: Voronoi and Intersection.


The input of a slot channel is the output of an image channel!


It is imperative that each channel and slot index is unique, as is each channel and slot name. Otherwise an error occurs when trying to start the analysis.