How to cite ImageC

If you use ImageC in your work, please cite the ImageC paper below and/or its direct successor EVAnalyzer:

Main citation

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EVAnalyzer citation

Schürz, M., Danmayr, J., Jaritsch, M., Klinglmayr, E., Benirschke, H. M., Matea, C. -. T., Zimmerebner, P., Rauter, J., Wolf, M., Gomes, F. G., Kratochvil, Z., Heger, Z., Miller, A., Heuser, T., Stanojlovic, V., Kiefer, J., Plank, T., Johnson, L., Himly, M., … Meisner-Kober, N. (2022). EVAnalyzer: High content imaging for rigorous characterisation of single extracellular vesicles using standard laboratory equipment and a new open-source ImageJ/Fiji plugin. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 11, e12282.